What Hair Suppliers tell you is what your want to hear

To be honest, most hair suppliers are delivering wrong message about hair to buyers. For example customers will ask for “100% unprocessed Brazilian 9a virgin human hair”. Because they need the best quality. But do customers buy what they want? Of course not. Mostly are Remy human hair. I want to explain in details in some aspects.


Is it 100% human hair?
1.First, you need to confirm with your supplier. Whether it is 100% human hair, some human hair will mix with synthetic hair price can be lower. There is a burning test to tell synthetic hair from human hair.

What is the hair Grade, 8A or 9A?
2.Hair grade, you may often hear 7a, 8a,9a, and even 12a. This is ridiculous because there is no hair standard in hair industry to grade hair. So each factory set their own grade. To compare this with other Hair suppliers, will not give any sign if the hair is of higher quality or not.

Does the Brazilian Hair come from Brazil?
3.Brazilian hair, Peruvian hair, European hair, Indian hair.. . Actually, hair suppliers from China will not import raw hair from Brazil ,Peru or these other countries outside Asia. Most raw hair is from Asian countries like India, Burma ,Vietnam, inland China or Cambodia. So many customers are asking for Brazilian hair, which is not from Brazil. You can image how high the price if all raw hair was imported from Brazil. Most hair suppliers will not tell you this, cause this concept is rooted in customer mind.

Is it Virgin Hair?
4.Virgin hair. Almost every customer is asking for virgin hair. Hair Suppliers normally sort hair into 3 qualities: Non Remy, Remy and Virgin hair. But virgin hair is actually not a right choice for massive market. Because the price is high, unless you have very high end customers who do not care about price. Most customers order Remy hair. Good quality with reasonable price. Remy hair occupy most of market share. Non Remy hair is cheaper than Remy hair, this makes it suitable for a broader market which is very, very, very sensitive to price.

Is the hair processed or unprocessed?
5.unprocessed or processed hair. This is a topic avoided by many hair suppliers. Or many suppliers lie to customers that their hair is unprocessed. Whether it is processed with acid bath, making hair clean and silky. Remy hair is processed hair. Many customers will say no if they read processed hair. But in reality, what they purchase is processed Remy human hair. All factories produce hair in similar process, no suppliers will sell virgin hair at Remy hair price. Once again Remy hair is good quality ,

Hair from India is always Virgin Hair
6.Some customers tell me I buy hair from India and Burma, so this must be Virgin hair. Please this also depends on how the raw hair was processed.


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